2025 WFRA Legislative Conference
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
The Madison Concourse Hotel
1 W Dayton St, Madison WI 53703
8:00 AM - 12:45 PM
The strength of WFRA’s advocacy efforts comes from members like you and the relationships you build with your legislators. One of the easiest ways to build upon your relationships is to attend WFRA’s Legislative Conference on Wednesday, March 19, 2025.
This is your chance to meet with your state lawmakers and share the significant challenges facing your business. Policy decisions impacting motor fuel tax collections, the Unfair Sales Act, electric vehicle charging, and more will be in play this session. Legislators need to hear from you so they understand how their decisions impact your business. By sharing your story, you can personalize the issues and influence the outcome of the state budget and pending legislation. Nobody knows your business better than you!
If you have attended past conferences, please encourage your coworkers to join you this year. If you’re still on the fence, make this year the year you decide to join us! Register today for this important opportunity to meet with your state legislators and advocate for the issues that matter the most to you and your business.
Preliminary Schedule
8:00 am—8:45 am: Registration & continental breakfast
8:45 am—9:45 am: Legislative briefings & presentations
10:00 am—11:45 am: Legislative visits at the Capitol
12:00 pm—12:45 pm: Lunch & presentations
Contact Lori Gerber